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Salve o Mundo é uma campanha cooperativa JxA do Fortnite.

Salve o Mundo e Fortnite eram de uma só vez sinônimos-- comprar Fortnite significava comprar o Salve o Mundo. No entanto, com o lançamento do modo JxJ Battle Royale, Epic Games tomou como referência o Fortnite a soma de suas duas partes: O Salve o Mundo é uma campanha JxA que está à venda, e o Battle Royale é um modo JxJ gratuito para jogar. Atualmente, quando alguém faz o download do Fortnite, ele recebe o Battle Royale e o Salve o Mundo é adquirido adicionalmente.

Como jogar

Em Salve o Mundo, o jogador In Save the World, o jogador assume o papel de um dos inúmeros heróis com a tarefa de lutar contra a tempestade, resgatando sobreviventes, reconstruindo estruturas, e melhorando e expandindo o escudo antitempestade para proteger a área. Embora a tarefa seja simples, o Salve o Mundo oferece vários níveis de progressão para os jogadores utilizarem, a fim de alcançar melhor sua meta.


Main article: Heróis

Existem atualmente quatro classes de heróis no Salve o Mundo:

  • Soldado, com foco em combate à distância e o uso de granadas
  • Construtor, com foco na construção e defesa de estruturas
  • Ninja, com foco em combate corpo a corpo e velocidade de movimento
  • Forasteiro, com foco em coleta de recursos e scouting

In addition to the main class, each hero has a subclass which dictates the Perks and Squad Bonuses that the Hero will receive as it is upgraded and evolved. Heroes come in the form of cards and can be acquired from Loot Llamas, or as Rewards.

Players have the possibility of taking up to 3 Heroes into battle:

  • The Primary Hero is the Hero that the player controls
  • The Support Squad hero lends the Primary Hero its Support Squad Bonus
  • The Tactical Squad hero lends the Primary Hero its Tactical Squad Bonus


There are two categories of Weapons in Save the World:

Much like Heroes, each Weapon also includes a subclass which will further dictate how the weapon performs.

Weapons are acquired and used in two steps:

  1. Weapon Schematics are acquired through Loot Llamas and Rewards. These can be upgraded and evolved.
    • Unlike Heroes, which feature fixed perks and bonuses, the perks and bonuses on Weapon Schematics are random.
    • If you do not own a Weapon Schematic for the Weapon that you wish to use, you will not be able to craft that Weapon yourself.
  2. If you possess the appropriate Materials to craft a specific Weapon from a Weapon Schematic that you own, you will be able do so from your Backpack, either while in-game or in the Armory.

Weapons that have already been crafted can also be acquired by looting Treasure chests, Storm Chests, or as loot drops from killing various enemies. These weapons and their subsequent perks will always be random.

Weapons wear out over time, and as such their use will be limited by their inherent durability. Weapons can be used until they break, or recycled in order to reclaim some of the crafting materials which were used up in its creation.


There are three categories of Traps in Save the World:

  • Wall Traps
  • Floor Traps
  • Ceiling Traps

Traps come in two types: Defensive, which do damage to enemies, and Utility, which perform a function such as Healing.

Traps and Trap Schematics interact in exactly the same way as Weapons and Weapon Schematics listed above.

F.O.R.T. Stats

F.O.R.T. is an acronym for the four type of statistics available to players to boost their strength in the following categories:

  • Fortitude, or health and health regen
  • Offense, or ranged and melee weapon damage
  • Resistance, or shield and shield regen
  • Tech, or trap, ability, and gadget damage, as well as healing

F.O.R.T. Stats are the sum of the bonuses awarded by Survivor Squads and Skills, and can be viewed in the Squads tab.

Survivor Squads

There are currently two types of Survivors in Save the World:

  • Lead Survivors
  • Survivors

Much like Heroes, Survivors come in the form of cards that can be upgraded and evolved. They, too, come with a myriad of bonuses.

Survivors are then slotted into Survivor Squads, teams which are unlocked by purchasing nodes on the Skills tab. The accumulated stats of the Survivors you slot into your Survivor Squads affect your F.O.R.T. Stats (bonuses to Hero strengths) and your Player Level (which missions you are allowed to access). Only Lead Survivors, who determine proportionally a larger percentage of F.O.R.T. Stats, can be slotted into the Leader slot for each squad. Survivors can be acquired through Loot Llamas and as Rewards.


There are currently two Trees which offer point-based progression in Save the World:

  • Skill Tree, nodes on which are purchased via Command Points that are earned by completing missions and quests.
  • Research Tree, nodes on which are purchased via Research Points that are generated over time.

Nodes not only offer direct bonuses to F.O.R.T. stats, but unlock things such as Gadgets, higher-grade Evolutions, Survivor Squad slots, and Pickaxe Upgrades.

Missões, tarefas, e eventos

Missions , Quests, and Events are where the player actually uses their Hero to Save the World.

  • Whenever a player enters the game world, they are always tasked with a Mission, such as rescuing survivors or building a bomb. The victory condition for each Mission must be met in order for the Mission to be considered Completed.
  • A Quest describes an additional task or set of tasks which must be completed in order to progress the Quest path. Quests might task a player with killing a certain amount of husks, the collection of certain Quest Items, or completing multiple Missions of a certain type. Every Quest provides Rewards upon completion.
  • Events describe limited-time Quest paths or Missions that offer unique rewards, such as Event Heroes or Event Weapons. Often times Events will reward players with event tickets that can be used to purchase special Loot Llamas in an Event Store.

There are three ways to jump into the action:

  • Selecting "Play Now" on the Play tab places the player into a Mission queue that will satisfy the current requirement for Save the World's Main Quest path.
    • Completing the Main Quest path is the only way to reach higher-level requirement Map Locations.
  • Selecting "View Event" while on the Play tab brings up the player's current Event Quest progression. Selecting "Play Now" on this Event Quest screen places the player into a mission queue that will provide the player an opportunity to meet some or all of the current requirements for the current Event Quest path.
  • Players can navigate to a specific Map Location and see which Missions are available. Players can use this screen to choose a Mission based on its type or what rewards it offers.

Notas de desenvolvimento

Histórico de Atualizações

Epic Games publishes updates regularly, usually weekly on Tuesday at 4am ET (0800 GMT) . Patch notes are supplied for each patch.

Latest Patch:

Save the World Dev Updates

Save The World Dev Updates are short YouTube videos published by Epic Games as a way of communicating with the community beyond the scope of published Patch Notes.

State of Development

Epic Games intermittently releases statements concerning development milestones and goals. They provide insight into where the game is headed.

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Menu principal 1 Antigo

Menu principal 2 Antigo

Menu principal 3 Novo

